Charter of Peace Research in Sweden (PRIS) founded 15 April 2016.
§1 Peace Research in Sweden (PRIS) is an association of university and college departments and other research environments in Sweden, working with peace research. It is an academic association with no political or religious affiliations.
§2 The purpose of the association is
§3 Membership in the association is open to university and college departments and other research environments in Sweden, with an interest in peace research.
§4 The Assembly, the highest decision-making body of the association, convenes every two years during the National Conference. All participating employees of member departments have the right to vote at the Assembly. The following points shall be on the agenda:
§5 The board, or at least 20 members, can decide on an extraordinary meeting.
§6 The board consist of seven members, including a chair and a secretary. Five members should be researchers, and two members should be Ph.D. students. Members of the board are elected for two years [except three of the members elected at the inaugural meeting, who are elected for one year].
Those members not elected at the Assembly are brought forward by the nomination committee and elected by the member institutions, who have one vote each.
§7 The board is responsible for the daily work of the association, including
§8 This Charter is amended through decision by the Assembly.
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